Friday 26 February 2010

Salam Maulidur Rasul

Today is Public holiday sempena Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW.. should have been celebrate it yesterday. But it was replace today. Woke up late today, so no chance to watch TV, but I did watch sekajap saja urg berarak on TV. It was way different when we celebrate it last time. last time, there were a marching competition (supaya perarakan atu lawa) but nowdays everybody was marching not to celebrate the prophet, but kan belumba-lumba siapa dulu sampai... that not to celebrate, people should recite any zikir or celebrate it.... any way selamat menyambut maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW...

what to do today? well need to finish marking children's works and also need to finish my lesson plan. Hopefully I can finish it today... tonight (maybe) attending someone wedding @ Rizkun also tommorow same place but differrent people.... iyo!!! cana mau siap kerja ni!!!!! better finish it now!!!